Our business license is provided upon demand.

Online shopping can be misleading, and we urge buyers to exercise caution and avoid making impulsive purchases when shopping for puppies online. It is essential to ask for the Business License and to read online reviews before completing your transaction. Never send money through Money Gram or Western Union as legitimate merchants will offer credit card payment options. The safest way to pay is through PayPal, which provides buyers' protection to ensure secure payment. We are a verified merchant with PayPal, and we encourage buyers to conduct their due diligence before making purchases from any online shop. One useful tip is to conduct a reverse image search on the merchant's website to verify the authenticity of the displayed images. We strive to provide the highest level of customer service, and our reputation has helped us stay in business for the past seven years. We stand behind our name and the quality of our puppies, and you can contact us directly at +1 514 795-3687 or toll-free at 1-833-368-3686 for further information.

We have found and reported fraudulent websites that use our name and pictures, such as: 

Some of these websites claim to be our partners and use our corporation number, pictures, and logo to deceive others, but we do not have any resellers. These are clearly fraudulent websites that will steal your hard-earned money. We have reported them to the Canadian and U.S. Anti-Fraud Centres on numerous occasions. If you have been a victim of fraud, please contact your local consumer protection agency and file a cyber scam report through the FBI's website to help take down these fraudulent websites and prevent others from being scammed. 

Always ask for a live video call with the puppy you are adopting.